Does QuickBooks allow you to include additional information in invoices?

To include additional information in QuickBooks invoices, accountants have to make major changes or go for customization. It can be expensive and time consuming, and your accountant must have the necessary computer programming skill to make it a workable solution. The other option is to order a special add-on that can be expensive and difficult to maintain. Why spend money on a single-task enhancement?

Software like CONSULT offers IT staffing companies sophisticated additional information addition ability and dozens of other features including 100% invoicing automation. CONSULT software has 200+ invoice templates that you can customize and add any kind of information, and that again automatically. You can even selectively modify information that is customer-specific or go in for a select class of customer groups. The options are really wide and endless.

quickbooks invoice automation

What makes CONSULT such ingenious software is its AI level performance that makes it possible for the software to remember and add information. It will eliminate the need for educating each invoice preparers on any additional information that has to be included. Once the information-to-include parameters are set, the software will take over from that point and automatically insert the information. It is simply the most perfect tool that accountants can trust to ensure that customer-specific information is included in the invoice.

Here are a few information types that your customers might want to be included in the invoice.

1.    Date of entering into a contract and contract number if any assigned by the customer business. This information is critical to the customer because it allows them to cross check the values in your invoice with the contracted value. Yet another use for this feature is for checking whether the appropriate pricing has been applied in the current invoice.

2.    Details of part-payment or upfront fee that the customer has paid and whether the same reflects in the current invoice. This is often (in most cases) required where invoices are raised only for a part of work done. It can be elaborate or simple as the customer wants it. Sometimes a summary of earlier invoices may also have to be included to help the IT staffing firm to get paid on a priority basis. Making life a little easier can help you to get paid faster over other vendors.

3.    Most customers will also want you to include a detailed timesheet for each consultant or subcontractor your firm has deputed to the customers place. The purpose of asking for a copy of the timesheet is for matching your consultants’ entries against the entries made by the customer. It serves to reconcile any discrepancies and help customers to process your bills faster.

CONSULT stores information about customers and the different projects for which your firm has been supplying consultants. It empowers your accountants to easily retrieve virtually any information with a few keystrokes.

By subscribing to CONSULT and populating it with past data (data pertaining to the pre-CONSULT period) you can provide your invoicing team an excellent tool for increasing productivity by up to 400%. Fantastic, isn’t it?

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